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Related Videos for Srcdocs
(October 2024)

These videos were captured courtesty of 0 seconds ago
Scroll down to manually select/unselect video titles for the GPTMagic (AI Tools) tools below.

1: Learn HTML iframes in 3 minutes

Selected for GPT Magic

1: Learn HTML iframes in 3 minutes | Srcdocs video

1: Learn HTML iframes in 3 minutes

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2: How to Active Microsoft Office 2010 Without key 2022

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2: How to Active Microsoft Office 2010 Without key 2022 | Srcdocs video

2: How to Active Microsoft Office 2010 Without key 2022

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3: How to Active Microsoft Office 2019 Without key 2024

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3: How to Active Microsoft Office 2019 Without key 2024 | Srcdocs video

3: How to Active Microsoft Office 2019 Without key 2024

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4: How to Activate Microsoft Office 2019 Without key

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4: How to Activate Microsoft Office 2019 Without key | Srcdocs video

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5: Whitespace

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5: Whitespace | Srcdocs video

5: Whitespace

By Truttle1


6: NUKE C Build Automation System Overview & Tutorial

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6: NUKE C Build Automation System Overview & Tutorial | Srcdocs video

6: NUKE C Build Automation System Overview & Tutorial

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7: Indexing Smart Contracts with OpenZeppelin Subgraphs & The Graph

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7: Indexing Smart Contracts with OpenZeppelin Subgraphs & The Graph | Srcdocs video

7: Indexing Smart Contracts with OpenZeppelin Subgraphs & The Graph

By OpenZeppelin


8: Writing effective documentation by Andres Almiray

Selected for GPT Magic

8: Writing effective documentation by Andres Almiray | Srcdocs video

8: Writing effective documentation by Andres Almiray

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9: Publishing Packer Plugins to the Masses

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9: Publishing Packer Plugins to the Masses | Srcdocs video

9: Publishing Packer Plugins to the Masses

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10: Swagger Documentation for REST API Build and Deploy a Python Flask REST API with JWT 19

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10: Swagger Documentation for REST API Build and Deploy a Python Flask REST API with JWT 19 | Srcdocs video

10: Swagger Documentation for REST API Build and Deploy a Python Flask REST API with JWT 19

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11: How to Install InfyHMS Smart Hospital Management System Laravel on cPanel Shared Hosting

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11: How to Install InfyHMS Smart Hospital Management System Laravel on cPanel Shared Hosting | Srcdocs video

11: How to Install InfyHMS Smart Hospital Management System Laravel on cPanel Shared Hosting

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12: 349 Navigating Constraints as a Bootstrapper

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12: 349 Navigating Constraints as a Bootstrapper | Srcdocs video

12: 349 Navigating Constraints as a Bootstrapper

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13: Introduction to sbt as Scala Build Tool by Mushtaq Ahmed

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13: Introduction to sbt as Scala Build Tool by Mushtaq Ahmed | Srcdocs video

13: Introduction to sbt as Scala Build Tool by Mushtaq Ahmed

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14: Causeway CHI 2019 Teaser

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14: Causeway CHI 2019 Teaser | Srcdocs video

14: Causeway CHI 2019 Teaser

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15: Graph Database GraphRAG and much more

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15: Graph Database GraphRAG and much more | Srcdocs video

15: Graph Database GraphRAG and much more

By The Ravit Show


16: Development on GraphRAG

Selected for GPT Magic

16: Development on GraphRAG | Srcdocs video

16: Development on GraphRAG

By The Ravit Show


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ChatGPT Prompt Generators

The following buttons will launch a ChatGPT window with a prefilled prompted tailored to the keywords and videos you have selected above.

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Tips & Tricks

  • Use the "clear" button on the Tag Generator and then select only the most relevant keywords for your topic
  • Try clicking the AI Blog Post Generator with all tags and all videos selected
  • If the GPT response is including content you do not like, you can ask the GPT to rewrite or you can come back and unselect tags and titles that you do not like
  • This tag generator works in all languages that use [a-z][A-Z][0-9] for word structure
  • Interact with ChatGPT. For example, if you do the AI Title Generator, you can ask a followup to write the article for one of the titles it suggested
  • You can ask the GPT to give you image description prompts and then run them through an Image Generator AI
  • Report videos are refreshed each calendar month
  • Reports with no videos are an opportunity to create content around that keyword. Click the AI Video Script Generator for ideas.
  • Want more AI prompt generators? Email your ideas to

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